The Counsel

Mediators of Castle Marrach


Official Charter for the Counsel

Let this missive represent the official charter for the Counsel.

Our primary mission is to act as official mediators in disputes, arguments, and challenges among the guests of the Outer Bailey. THe role of the Counselor is to be an objective third party arbitrator. Emotion and personal feelings must set aside in matters of mediation. Any counselor violating this rule shall be considered for dismissal.

Guests on both sides of the dispute must agree to have a counselor help resolve the dispute. Employment of a counselor is encouraged, but never required. Counsel may offer services, but never impose such services on any guest. Once a counselor is employed, decisions made by such counsel should be respected and may only be appealed to the Counsel Advisor, Sir Launfal.

All matters and information learned by counselors when on official duty shall be held with highest confidentiality, unless a crime has been confessed. In such case, it is a counselors duty to report crime to the Watch. Individual guests may ask for counsel to be present as needed but are not required.

In the matters of membership, guests who wish to become a counselor may petition counsel leadership for membership. Prospective counselors must submit a statement of intent explaining why they wish to be a counselor and why they should be selected. In addition, prospective counsel must have 5 petitions submitted on their behalf. Once, all has been received, person shall be voted in during offical counsel meetings.

Counselors may NOT be directly affiliated with the following organizations due to potential conflicts of interest: Watch, Duelists, Magi, Battlers, and other Fighting oriented guild or organization that uses magic. The following organizations are acceptable: Awakeners, Garden Society, Healers, Muse, Poets, Rememberers, Seekers, Women's Circle. This list shall be reviewed and appended during official counsel meetings as necessary. [Note: These restrictions on membership have been lifted in the Addendum to the Charter, below.]

Leadership of counsel shall initially be appointed by Counsel Advisor Sir Launfal based on merit vs. petitioining in. Leadership shall serve terms of four moons. Every fourth moon, counsel shall vote new leadership during official meetings. No leader may serve more than two consecutive terms. Advisor Launfal must approve any new leadership.

Counsel shall hold meetings once per moon. First half of each meeting shall be open to public. At this time, members of all organizations may elect one representative to attend formal meetings. Representatives shall have forum to voice any suggestions at this time. Individuals may petition counsel leadership to attend meetings as well.

In the matter of Counsel Attire: Counselors shall wear scarlet robes during formal meetings and when officially mediating disputes. Counsel shall wear robes during initiation of new members as well. When off duty, counsel shall wear gold and silver braided chains with a silver medallion to identify themselves. On one side of the mediallion shall be a dove sitting on a sword with a peace branch in its mouth. On the other side, shall be a libre balance representing justice and objectiveness.

Addendum to the Charter

IT is with great pleasure that I announce this important addendum to the Counsel Charter:

As of this day [December 21, 2000], all members of the Outer Bailey regardless of association may petition for the Counsel.

No individual will be denied membership based on guild or organization they belong to. All guest will be evaluated based on their individual ability to maintain objectivity.

Thank you kindly, and please, if you have questions, seek out any counselor.

Seeker Margaret, Counsel Leader

[The text on this page was taken from postings in the In-Character forum on Skotos's Castle Marrach page.]

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