The Duelists

Defenders of Honor in Castle Marrach


A Humble Missive on the Duelists

As I understand it, the Duelists' Circle was founded by some who wanted to defend and protect castle guests, but who liked not the rigidity and autocracy of the Winter Watch. The Duelists are more of a democracy, as they follow no orders from the senior triad (ser Edouard, ser Mark, and sera Allenya), but rather are trusted to follow their own hearts in deciding what is right.

When becoming a Duelist, one swears three-part oath:

  1. To uphold personal honor, by which they mean what is right and just, and not just what the law says.
  2. To defend those who cannot defend themselves, even those whom the law might be unwilling or unable to help. For example, the Winter Watch might do nothing if someone spread unfair rumors against someone's honor, but a Duelist could challenge the miscreant.
  3. To protect Her Majesty Queen Vivienne against all threats, internal and external.

Joining the Duelists is a complex process. The earliest steps are attending an introductory Duelists lecture (see the calendar, for information about when the next Intro Lecture will occur), attending Duelist-led sword practices (these occur every week), and speaking with the Duelists themselves (if you cannot speak privately with one of them, you can always attend one of the guild meetings, which occur every Thursday eve, beginning around 7 bells, in the Duelists' Room).

Once you have learned more of the guild and are sure of your path, you must seek a triad, for the Duelists' Circle admits new members only in groups of three. You must find two other potential Duelists to whom you are willing to swear a life oath, with whom you would trust your life and your honor, and whom you would be willing to die to defend. It is a difficult task ... the most difficult for most prospective Duelists, and it often take weeks or months to accomplish. You should seek oath-siblings whose strenths and weaknesses complement yours, so that the set of three is stronger than its parts. When seeking oath-siblings, you may wish to discuss various questions to learn how well you are suited to each other.

Lastly, once a triad is formed, it must meet the approval of the senior triad, ser Edouard, ser Mark, and sera Allenya. Though rarely about, they greatly respect the opinions of the younger triads, and so if you begin by attempting to respectfully get to know the younger Duelists, you will do well.

I would advise that you seek out ser Martel or sera Faer if you have further questions.

In honor of the oath and in service to Her Majesty,

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