Punzel's Question Game

An Entertainment of Personal Questions and Honest Answers

The question game is quite simple, really. It is a game best played with two to five players, in which a participant asks one other participant a personal question. The questioned person then answers as honestly as possible, and then asks a question of another person in the group (not the person who questioned them). Answers are held in confidence within the group, and should never be repeated to others afterward.

If someone asks a question which a participant does not want to answer, he or she can request the substitution of a different question, for the purpose of the game is not to embarrass anyone or cause any pain, but only to know one's friends more fully, and mayhap to even make new friends, as well.

Some examples of past questions follow:

What was your memory when you awoke?

What do you want the most in the entire world?

What or who from your previous life do you wish you had in the castle?

What do you dream of being able to do?

If you could be given one thing you currently don't have in the castle, what would it be?

Who was the first friend you made here, and how did it happen?

If you could leave this all, and go back to your past, would you, and why?

Who have you seen about the Outer Bailey, whom you have yet to meet, but would most like to become better acquainted with as a friend, and why?

Even when you are in your foulest mood, who is the one person who makes you smile when you see them, and why?

What has been your happiest time since awakening here?

Which Outer Bailey resident do you respect most, and why?

What is the funniest thing you have seen someone do since you awakened here?

Who are your three favorite people in the castle, and why?

What memory do you hold closest to your heart?

What is your happiest dream?

What would your parents think of you and say to you if they could see you now?

What do you do when you are afraid or sad? What helps?

What's your favorite thing that you own, and why?

What was your most embarrassing moment since awakening here?

Do you have any crushes on a ser/sera and if so, who?

If you could give yourself one piece of advice that you would actually then follow, what would it be?

What makes you happy?

What scares you?

What duty do you perform willingly that you loathe the most, and why?

Name three things that make you blush.

What do you like least/most about [person], and why? [Where the person can be the person asking the question, the person answering the question, or some third party.]

What do you think is [person]'s greatest strength? [Where the person can be the person asking the question, the person answering the question, or some third party.]

What do you think is [person]'s greatest flaw? [Where the person can be the person asking the question, the person answering the question, or some third party.]

What is the prettiest piece of jewelry you have seen here, and what made it so special?

What is the one thing, above all else, aside from the person him/herself, that when you see it, makes you think of your beloved?

If there were a denizen of noble rank or station that were to take you in as protege or, mayhaps, even as successor to their station, which personage would this be, and how would you serve them?

How did you come to find yourself on the path of the [acolyte, mage, duelist, etc.]?

Name one thing that annoys you which I don't already know about.

What are your earliest memories of being in the castle, from your first day or two after awakening?

What are three of your favorite things to do?

Name a guilty pleasure I don't know of.

If you could do over one thing since you awakened here, what would it be, and how would you do it differently?

If you had to set up [person] with any ser/sera in the Outer Bailey, who would it be and why?

What is the most important quality a man/woman you would consider marrying should have?

If you could pull a prank on someone, who would you prank and how?

Which ser/sera in the castle do you find SECOND most attractive?

How do you think your life will be different five years from now. What different things will you do, people you'll know, etc.?

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