Vardian Log #8: The Lost Lake -- "Having [Taron] as the lake is useful. What if we have a fire?" --Flamma -- Season: Spring 1200 The Players: Angus of House Bonisagus Magus (Don) Certus of House Bonisagus Magus Christophano Grog Demorar of House Quaesitor Magus (Billy) Flamma of House Flambeau Magus (Eric) Luigi the Flame Proof Grog Taron of House Bonisagus Magus Terra Natus of House Ex. Misc. Magus Tiro of House Jerbiton Magus Veritus of House Mercere Redcap (Doug) ** ** From the Chronicles of Salvadore, Autocrat of Vardian's Tomb ** Spring, 1200 These are the official chronicles of the First Council Meeting for Vardian's Tomb in the Spring of twelve hundred. The Council Meeting officially began when Certus first spoke, addressing the grog, Luigi, who had just entered the room. It is hereby recorded, that Certus screamed "A whole lake doesn't just get up and walk away!" while Luigi cowered. After Certus calmed himself, Luigi explained that he and several other grogs had gone down to the lake that lies many miles below our Covenant to collect our yearly supply of vis. When they arrived, they found the lake which has supplied us with vis for scores of years utterly dry. Several of the younger magi, namely Tiro, Angus and Demorar volunteered to help recover the Lake. It is hereby recorded that Certus has agreed to let each of these magi spend one season in the Greater Library in return for this service. The magi have also requested Luigi and Christophono to accompany them on this venture. The one other item on the agenda was another young magus asking admittance. His name is Veritus, and he is of us House Mercere. In accordance with the Agreement of 1197, Veritus was accepted into the Covenant, and assigned the duty of helping to recover our missing Lake. As the younger magi set off on their quest, many of the elders were eager to call the Council to end, and the meeting was terminated. ** ** From the Diary of Aquilonius Since we saved Certus and Chavin, I have been in a foul mood. Several times since that foul expedition, I have gone up to Rome, and each time I was shunned as if I was a leper. I begin to realize that my ideas of befriending the Mundanes were incorrect. To make matters worse, the cut that I made on my left arm, to drain the blood that Certus needed for his restoration, has still not healed. However, I was cheered a bit up when Tiro stopped by and told me of their recent expedition to find the Lake, which had disappeared sometime before Luigi went to get this year's vis (with several other grogs, of course). It was a tale of befuddled magi, useless Certamens and beguiling Faeries that nearly brought a smile to my face, despite recent events. Apparently, the four magi, along with Luigi and Christophono, arrived down at the lake with no problems. Indeed, it was as dry as Luigi had promised, although water was slowly dripping from the stalactites above, perhaps fast enough to replenish the lake in a few hundred years. As they sat there, trying to ponder the mystery of the lake, Flamma postulated a theory, saying that perhaps the lake had been drained by field mice drinking it away. However, the laughter was not enough to cause the magi to miss what appeared shortly afterwards. Looking across the dead lake, while considering Flamma's thoughts, one of the magi suddenly spotted a ghostly white shape. As it drew closer, Tiro says that he recognised the form as Fernando, a grog who died over two years ago. It seemed that a ghost was haunting the dead area that had once been our Covenant's lake. After Flamma realized that flaming the ghost would do little good, the magi decided to speak with it. The shade said that he had wandered this area since he had died two years before, on another expedition to this same lake. After speaking for a short time, Angus got bored, and Perdo Mentemed the ghost, who had asked to be freed some time before. However, Angus' impetuousness had not cost the magi their only chance for information, for several minutes later, another shade appeared. Tiro recognised this one as Carlo, who had been killed by the Water Elemental that almost slew all of us, while Angus and Durus had been bickering over a Certamen. He spoke with them for a time, and then said that there was one more shade wandering the area around this lake. He had been there for nearly 50 years, Carlo said. And then, Carlo revealed the Shade of Taron. Tiro could barely keep from laughing when he saw the look of shock on my face at this statement. "There is more to the story," he said, while quieting my questions, and then he went on. Taron's ghost told a distressing tale. He said that when he had come to the lake 50 years ago, to retrieve the vis, he had been attacked by one of the beasts that the Lake occasionally generates, and killed. In the Fall of 1199, he said, the Lake had formed itself into the shape of a man. Into his own shape. And, it had walked up to our Covenant. Tiro smiled again when he told be of the various wizard's reactions. He said that Flamma seemed to think that the problem was solved. She liked Taron The Lake, for he was a nice guy, occasionally doing us younger magi favors. Veritus, on the other hand, was quite distressed, and tried to get up to the Covenant before the others, to warn the Council. Of course, he did not know the Caves, and became rapidly lost. Angus wanted to kill this Taron Elemental, while Demorar simply thought that the matter should be brought to the Council's attention, and this is the solution that was finally chosen. Due to the seriousness of the situation, only one Certamen was fought on the way back up to the Covenant. Flamma had become upset at Demorar, who had said that she was not in control of herself. Flamma won the duel, and Demorar may no longer tell her that she is out of control. I can see why this issue was so much more important than warning the Covenant of a potentially malicious elemental hiding among them. Finally, the magi reached the Covenant, and an emergency Coucil Meeting was called. (The notice was so short that many of us did not make it, which is why Tiro was able to surprise me with his 'revelation' about Taron.) Several Intellego spells cast by Terra Natus proved that Taron was not the Elemental that the younger magi had said he was, and the magi were soon off again, for the Magical Lake beneath our Covenant, determined to find the real answer to the question of the missing lake. Apparently, the magi were bright enough to cast Intellego spells this time, and Demorar had soon determined that the ghosts that they had seen weren't. While investigated the area again, Flamma heard something scuttling away, and had soon collared a Gnome, who they rapidly realized had been causing their problem. Under threat of death, he admitted that his tribe of Gnomes, recently arrived in this area, had realized that the Lake was magical. So, they had carted it away, in glass bottles, to their nearby lair. He also admitted that he had been casting the illusions of the dead beings, drawn from the memories of the magi. He had hoped that the magi would leave them in peace, thinking that they had solved the mystery of the disappearing lake. Despite the presence of Angus and Flamma, the Gnome agreed to take the magi to his home, to discussion the allocation of the Lake. However, the problem was still far from solved. According to Tiro, the Gnome King was quite adamant about not returning the Lake until a Contest was suggested. Then, he became willing to compromise. The decision was made that there would be three tests, of Drinking, Dicing and Rudeness, and that if the magi could win two of these Contests, half of the Lake would be returned to them. With a grin, Tiro told me that he had undergone the first Test, a drinking contest with a Faerie, and that with one sip of the drink, he was turned into a Green Frog. Thus, the first contest was won by the Gnomes. The second contest was dicing, and it was Flamma who entered this. After the dice were rolled, it was apparent that Flamma had lost, so she Perdoed the Faerie's dice, causing them to explode. Since the Faerie no longer had enough dice to beat what Flamma had rolled, she became the winner. The Gnome King began to shout that Flamma had cheated, and Demorar turned around, and said "Quite rude of her, wasn't it." A bit surprised at the agreement, the Gnome said, "Why, yes," and thus, we had won the third contest as well. Demorar, however, was not prepared to return with only half of the lake, so he began to bargain with the Gnomes again, offering to tell them of two sites of great magic items, in return for the other half of the lake. Realizing that two areas full of magic could give them more than a mere half of a Lake, the Faeries agreed, and Demorar told them of the Demon Swords that were still in Rome above, and of Verdi, Domus Magnus of House Verditius, the magic item makers of the Order. There was a time when I might have been upset by Demorar turning these Faeries lose on the Mundanes in Rome, but after my recent treatment there, it seems just punishment for them. And, of course, only good can come out of causing a Covenant of boring Verditius to be overrun by Faeries. It seems that in this case, Demorar found an excellent solution to the problem. Thus, the magi were lead to an enormous Cavern with hundreds of thousands of vials and flasks, full of the missing Lake, and then, the Faeries vanished. If would have taken Munanes several seasons to return the entire lake to it's proper spot. The magi, however, were able to do it in a few hours, by making indentations in the passages leading to Lake, smashing all of the vials, and then letting the water naturally return to it's rightful place. Truly, Magic is a wonderful thing. And so, Tiro, no longer a frog, finished his story. Thinking of the magi, fooled into thinking Taron was a Lake certainly cheered me up, as did envisioning Rome and Verdi both overrun by Gnomes, mad for magic items. Perhaps they will even help to get some of the demon swords that the Magi left in Rome out of that city. The story was definitely a welcome one, breaking the foul mood that had laid on me since my return from the magical world of the tarnished mirror.