Vardian Log #49: Skin & Bones -- "I figure the midget will keel over first." --Flamma [referring to the unseen water, and it's potential effect on Turbator] -- Season: Summer, 1213 Dramatis Personae: Abrogo Grog Acutus of Ex. Misc. Magus Alondra Unseelie Fay Angus of Bonisagus Magus (DonP) Arridere of Jerbiton Magus (Dave) Certus of Bonisagus Magus The Dark Man Demon Demoror of Quaesitor Magus (Billy) Domia of Ex. Misc. Maga Durus Ghost Flamma of Tremere Maga (Eric) Gotho Grog Hans of Bjornaer Magus Hebria Mongoose Mary Ann Peasant Girl Marlon of Tremere Magus (Phil) Meles of Criamon Magus Muris of Verditius Magus (Donald) Nevill Grog Nicholi of Jerbiton Magus (John) Parins Thin Man Pietro Grog Quippe Grog Rupes of Tremere Magus Taron of Bonisagus Magus Tolas of Tremere Magus (Woo) Turbator of Tremere Magus (Scott) Turelli Grog ** ** From the Journals of Certus A new magus named Nicholi of Jerbiton has been added to the Tomb as an associate member. He wishes to occasionally use our labs, and occasionally use our books, but plans to spend most of his time in Rome. So, a special position was made for him. As long as it is benefical to the Tomb, he shall remain a member of my Covenant. ** ** From the Secret Diary of Tolas It was three weeks into Summer, in the year 1213, that Certus called an emergency meeting. I didn't really have much better to do, so I decided to humor the old guy by attending. Now I wish I hadn't, for it led me into much more danger than I care to meet. I knew something was up when I got to the Council Room. A bunch of the other magi were standing around, like dumb cattle, waiting. A big grog who I had never seen before stood in front of the doors, saying that none would enter. I would have gotten upset and left like Flamma and Arridere did if I hadn't heard the violent arguing inside. I was quite curious about that. I hoped that it meant that the Jerbiton and Bonisagus had finally divided again, for that would greatly increase Tremere power at the Tomb. It was due to that curiosity that I waited, until the big grog named Pietro finally opened the doors to the council room. Even I was surprised by what I saw inside, for the people arguing inside were not the other elders. They were us. In Certus' place was Angus, and he was standing, yelling at the top of his voice. Just to his right, where Ferramentum had sat before he returned to Verdi was Demoror. He was mumbling to Angus about some new enchantment that he had put in his door. Of course, no one was paying attention to him. Meles sat to Angus' left, in the seat once held by Hadrian. It seemed that he didn't even realize that an argument was going on. Straight across from Angus was Arridere, standing above Fortunatus' chair. He too was yelling at the top of his voice, saying the most unchristian things to the Bonisagus across from him. To Arridere's right sat my beautiful Flamma, dressed in, of all things, Jerbiton blue. She was sitting quite primly, waiting for the argument to end, just as Luke would, and, indeed, it was in Luke's chair that Flamma sat. Acutus sat to Arridere's left, where I would usually expect to find Terra Natus. He too quietly waited for things to end. Finally, in the middle of the table, where Tractare and Chavin sit, were two others. One was Rupes, and one was myself, looking a bit older, but nobler as well. As we stood there, gaping, I, that is the other me, challenged Rupes to Certamen, as a favor to Angus. The other Angus that is. The other Rupes too, for ours was not even with us. I beat the fool, of course. As the Certamen ended, we were finally noticed. The other Angus and the other Arridere turned to us, and, in unison, they demanded to know what we wanted. We all began to argue for a bit, each asking to know why the other was there. Angus and Angus were just about to fight a Certamen, when suddenly Certus walked into the room. Perhaps floated would be a better word, for he was walking half a foot above the ground. He looked around a bit in amusement, and then incanted "Perdo Imagonem." The illusions faded, and we soon realised that we were in a deserted Council Room, standing in water half a foot deep. Certus began to give us an explanation at once. ** ** From the Journals of Certus When Taron uncovered that secret room in Guiseppe's tower and we began to learn the truth about the old Bonisagus, I was somewhat humored. We had all respected him so much, and I suppose I really should have known that he was as fallible as any of us. Still, both Taron and I were astounded when we learned that Guiseppe made mistakes, as any of us do. His magical fountain had been constructed with the help of an Unseelie Faerie from Germany named Alondra. Even more, it did not always show the future, as it had first seemed, but rather showed the future on brief, random, occasions. The rest of the time it simply projected what the viewers expected to see. Still, there it was, all in Guiseppe's writing, in the journal that we had found in that secret room. Taron and I simply chalked it up as another lesson learned. He turned away from his studies of the fountain, and I returned to my other works. And so, we all ignored the Tower for a time. We ignored it, that is, until the problems started. Early in Summer, Abrogo came to me after his watch and told me that in some of the caverns above us, rivers of water were starting to form. After a bit more investigation, it turned out that the water was all coming from the cavern where Guiseppe's tower was. So, I decided to investigate. I was quite saddened by what I found. Where Guiseppe's mighty tower had once stood, now there was only a blackened husk. The whole cavern was dead, devoid of the mushrooms that had once grown there, devoid of any life at all. And there, at the center of the cavern, was what was causing our problem. Guiseppe's fountain had been smashed, and water was continually issuing forth from it, uncontrolled. I began to encant magical formulas at once. After talking with the rocks for a while, I was able to learn when the destruction had occured. Then, I cast Eyes of the Past, and sat down to watch what had happened. As the past began to unfold before me, two men approached the fountain, or two entities, at the least. One was a tall man, of Italian stock, while the other was a humanoid creature with skin colored pure ebony. Since, I have been able to name the two. The man is named Parins, while the ebony beast is a great warrior demon known among legends simply as The Dark Man. As I watched, the one known as Parins began to gesture with his hands, and the images in the water began to swirl about, as if they were obeying the commands of their master. As he motioned, a cascade of pictures began to move through the waters. There was Angus, destroying a bug demon, and then Fortunatus, yelling at Mario, who had betrayed us to the Vampire Gustari. There was Angus again, this time speaking with Quaesitors, and then Arridere, destroying Luigi's demonic weapons. Image after image passed. Every time, I saw magi of the Tomb acting, usually against the forces of darkness. Finally, the images ended, and when I looked again at Parins, his face was a mask of anger. He gestured to The Dark Man, clearly yelling, though I could not hear the words. And then The Dark Man turned, and a blast of fire came from his hands. It exploded inside the tower, burning the place from top to bottom. The Dark Man turned again, facing the fountain this time. He clenched his hand into a fist, and there was an explosion of water. When the waters settled to the ground, both the Dark Man and Parins were gone. And so, I pondered the situation for a while. The water, it seemed was not too great of a threat. Although I could not destroy the fountain by magical means, I remembered that Guiseppe had described a certain ritual in his Secret Journal. It required a certain plant, found only in The Black Forest, but that was not a problem. Long ago, Guiseppe had constructed a Hermes Portal to the Black Forest, for that was where the Faeries who had helped him to construct his fountain lived. This Portal had been located in the Secret Lab, under his tower. Thus, it was unscathed, despite The Dark Man's attack. I knew that the waters would cause problems in the Covenant eventually, when they reached our levels, so I called a Special Council Meeting, several days in the future, and then moved on to the second problem. The second problem was, of course, this Parins fellow. Remembering the visions, I decided to do some investigations. After I borroweded Taron's Seven League Boots, I did some travelling, to sent what I could learn. I went to Magvillus first. From my description of Parins, the Quaesitors were able to tell me that he had had something to do with the downfall of Sansaron, the Covenant that once stood in the ruins of Old Carthage. When I proceeded to give the Quaesitors Parins' name, I was pleased to learn that they had even more information. Apparently, Angus had mentioned it to them several years before, when he had come to Magvillus after losing Durus. He had named Parins as some great demon, surely in league with the Bug Demon that I saw him kill in visions. More disturbed than ever, I moved on to Rome, where I spoke with Mario, who I had also seen in visions. When I mentioned Parins to him, he also knew the name. It seems that the creature had at occasion stayed at his house, and had seemed to be a friend of Gustari. >From my research, I drew some unsettling conclusions. It seemed likely that Parins had caused the downfall of Sansaron, and, even worse, that he has chosen us to be next. He was manipulating us, throwing entities such as Gustari and The Bug Demon at us, seeing how we would react. Or, at least, that is what he had been doing, before he looked into the fountain, reviewed how we had been dealing with his minions, and exploded into anger. I am not anxious to learn what he may plan next. Another disturbing question that nags at my mind, is, who is this thing? From what I have seen, he seems to control the most powerful demonic entities. Surely, he must be a Duke of the Nether Realms, at the least. I was still considering these possibilities when I arrived back at The Tomb, the morning that I had called the Council Meeting. There, I found that disaster had struck. It seems that the water flow from the fountain had been constantly increasing, and that it had reached the Covenant far before I would have expected it. When I reached my lab, it was already half a foot deep. What was worse was that the Imagonem magics of the fountain had not died. Rather, they had moved with the water, and had thus covered my whole Covenant. Everything was in confusion, so much that I could not even see the water that I knew was there without constant Perdo Imagonem spells. When I finally reached the Council Room, I found many of the younger magi there already, deeply confused, and arguing with phantoms. After I dispelled the illusions, I explained the whole story to them. Then, I pulled from the Covenant Vis supplies, and gave a large amount of Vim Vis to Angus. I charged him to lead an expedition to Germany, through Guiseppe's portal, to gain the plant that we desperately needed to save our Covenant from flooding. Arridere, Flamma, Marlon, Muris, Tolas, Turbitor, and even our associate member, Nicholi all went to aid him. I then rounded up the rest of the magi, several of who were lost in the Imagonem, and we began to move the Covenant supplies to drier lands. Only Demoror ignored my call for aid, dealing with the problem by sealing the waters away from his lab. But then, I can excuse him for that, for he was in the middle of working on his familiar. Now that our books and papers are safe, we wait. I have told Chavin, Hadrian and Taron all of the details of Parins. I expect that we will have to track him down soon, and destroy him, before he destroys our Covenant. Now, we simply wait. I would have gone myself to the Black Forest, if I were not afraid that the Covenant needed to be warded, lest Parins returned, in this moment of weakness. I shall not have what I have worked on for decades be destroyed. ** ** From the Secret Diary of Tolas After Certus explained the situation, everything was a blur. Flamma was insisting that I should come along, for the whole Covenant was at stake, and I could think of no reason not to. The next thing I knew, I had stepped through the Hermes Portal that had been hidden under Guiseppe's Tower. As we regrouped, we took in our surroundings. All about us, the trees of The Black Forest rose. Behind us, stood the Hermes Portal, and the protections of home. In front of us, there was a path. It beckoned to us in an almost sinister fashion. I was turning to Flamma, suggesting that maybe we should just move to that Sardinian Covenant at once, when the first attack came. It was Quippe that screamed out, shouting that he felt like he was being frozen. As I carefully backed away, the other magi burst into action. Angus turned invisible, quite prudently, while Marlon and Flamma both screwed up spells. Seconds later, we all saw a bolt of pure darkness arch out from the woods. Quippe shivered violently for a second, and then fell down, dead. Quite paranoid, we waited for a few seconds for the next attack to come. But, there was nothing. It seemed that whatever had killed Quippe had fled. So, we began to make plans. After Flamma consoled Quippe's mongoose, Hebria, for a few minutes, she turned to the grogs, and gave them each wards against cold. When she moved to give Nicholi one, the second attack occured. For just a few minutes, Nicholi's Parma was down, but somehow, the beast in the woods knew the significance of that. Another bolt of darkness arched from the woods, striking Nicholi. This time, however, we were prepared. As Nicholi ducked for cover, Angus cast a truly impressive Perdo Herbam. In a huge swath, the trees simply disappeared, and suddenly, we could see our attacker. It was a goblin, all green and gnarled, scarcely four feet tall. For but a second we saw him, and then he was gone, moving away at a truly astounding speed. He was gone before we could even blink. I must say that by that time, I had decided that the faeries of that wood were simply great people. Certainly, the goblin had killed my personal grog, but such are easy enough to come by. Faeries such as the one we had seen, however, were not. The goblin that attacked us had shown such a level of deviousness that I would almost of thought him human. Truly, worthy to be a Tremere. My opinions of those Faeries only increased as I saw more of them. About halfway through that day, as we trekked along the too convienent path that had led from the Portal, we heard a great howl. It came from the woods to our right. Then we heard something huge bearing down upon us. When that bear burst out at us, we were sure that another attack had come. I was most definitely moving to the rear of the party. Angus tried to kill it, with The Curse of the Desert, while Turbator threw pilums of flame at it. Then, Flamma surrounded it with a wall of stone. We knew something was wrong, when, seconds later, "Perdo Terram" was shouted from within the ring of stone. Later, we would discover that we had accidentally attacked Hans of Bjornaer, a magus from Crintera. Apparently, the faeries had led him our way, to cause further problems for us, and he had wandered within range of Angus' sword, Truth. When Truth's spells hit the Bjornaer, he had assumed he was being attacked, and so the whole misunderstanding occured. Still, even when the Bjornaer spoke Latin words of Magic, the other magi weren't bright enough to stop attacking. Turbator threw several Pilums of Flame at him, while Arridere made more and more walls of stone. Finally, the Bjornaer, desperate for his life, managed to cast the Leap of Homecoming, burning considerable vis in the process, as we would learn later. When we got back to the Covenant, Quaesitors eventually came to Angus to discuss the incident. Apparently, he was fined some vis, to repay the Bjornaer, and given a most stern warning. I'll have to explain to Angus sometime that if he's going to attack Hermetic magi, he'd best make sure that they're quite dead when he's done. I know he understood that before I came to the Covenant. I wonder what happened to him. Some of the other magi were a bit upset about the fight too, and so they all sat around and argued about it for a while, like the fools tend to do. Finally, we set out again, marching a bit more before finally calling it a night. That night, the harassment against us did not let up. First a Black Unicorn showed up. It was heading towards Flamma until she popped into her Little House of Tranquil Dwelling. Then, it headed off again. I was just dying to take a shot at it, because I knew that it had to have a lot of vis in it. I would have too, if I hadn't thought that Flamma might see what I did. Later that night, another goblin showed up. Fortunately, it was not as effective as the first. It fired some arrows, and made some pretty mists, and then fled. Quite tired, we set off the next morning, worried about continued attacks and wondering if we would ever find Alondra's house. Suddenly, we came upon a little girl in the road. She introduced herself as Mary Ann. After we chatted with her for a while, we learned that she was Alondra's niece. I wanted to kidnap her, and hold her for ransom. Unfortunately, the other magi would have nothing to do with it. Instead, they were nice to her. It made me quite ill. Finally, we set off again. It seemed that we had walked but a short ways, when we came to the House of the Alondra. It was easy to recognise as the dwelling of an Unseelie Faerie, for the entire House was made out of Human Skin. In the back, there was a beautiful garden, which surely housed the herbs that we needed. The garden was surrounded by a fence of bones. As we approached the House, Alondra came out. She was a most beautiful women, as all Faeries are. As I waited for the fireworks to begin, I quietly edged behind Flamma. Instead, the magi talked with the Fay. At first, Alondra insisted that we could not have the herbs that we needed. After a bit of diplomacy, she finally offered to give us the herbs in exchange for one of us serving her for a hundred years. I was pleased that the matter could be dealt with so easily. I turned to Nicholi, the newest fool Jerbiton, and quickly shouted Certamen. Unfortunately, Flamma showed that damned fool compassion, and insisted that I not Certamen Nicholi. Instead, we began to argue about various grogs that we could give her. But, the other magi weren't willing to sacrifice a useless grog to save our whole Covenant. So, our discussion moved on, and the other magi began to discuss various powerful magic items that they could give her. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I must admit, that in the end, Angus and the other magi proved to be some of the worst negotiaters in all the world. At first, Alondra had asked for a hundred years service. In the end, we provided her with over a hundred and twenty. First, Flamma gave her Grandmother Gray, who would serve Alondra for a hundred years (I don't even want to think about what Alondra might do with Grandmother Gray). Then, Durus, Gotho and Nevill each offered to serve for seven years as well. Still, we did get the herbs when our sorry negotiations were done. I don't really think we're ever going to see those grogs or that ghost again, though. On the way back to the portal, no more attacks came. Clearly, they had been sent by Alondra to discourage us, and now that we had reached an agreement with her, she no longer needed to do so. When we returned to Italy, travelling once more through the Hermes Portal, Taron was there to meet us. He quickly took the Herb from us, and cast the ritual that he had learned. The flow of water soon ended, and our began to return to normal. Still, one bit of idiocy marks the end of this tale. When Flamma got back to The Tomb, she was still quite worried over that little mongoose. The critter was quite morose it seems. So, Flamma paid Domita a good amount of vis to invent a spell to fix it. Now, the creature is happy again, having forgotten all about Quippe (It has attached itself to our daughter instead). I can not believe that Flamma would burn vis on something so useless. ** ** From the Accounts of Tractare ** Fall, 1213 It seems that Certus' revelations about Guiseppe were just what the Covenant needed. The damned peace between the Bonisagus and the Jerbiton has finally broken. Now, I may once more move my Tremere forward, to gain even more power in the Tomb. ** ** From the Journals of Certus Parins has gone into hiding. At the least, I have been able to turn up no trace of him in the last season. Still, we are now warned, due to his anger at Guiseppe's Tower. Eventually, we shall see him again, and then, we shall be ready, and Parins shall be crushed. Sansaron was weak, where we are strong. We shall not fall to his manipulations.