RPG Magazine Indices: a Designers & Dragons Project

Modern Indices

Alien Star #1-8. πŸš€
Bayt al Azif #1-5. πŸ•―οΈ
Beaumains #1-6. πŸ‘‘
Carcass Crawler #0-3. NEW! βš”οΈ 🍎
Challenge #25-77 (Traveller only). πŸͺ πŸš€
Codex #1-3. UPDATED! πŸŒ€
Continuum #1-3. πŸš€
Dark Star #1-6 (complete-ish). πŸš€
Far Traveller #1-2. πŸš€
Freelance Traveller #91-123 (2019). πŸš€
Frontier Report #1 πŸš€
Gary's Appendix #1-5. NEW! βš”οΈ 🍎
High Passage #1-5. πŸš€
Imperial Lines v1 #1-5. πŸš€
Imperial Lines v2 #6-7. πŸš€
The Imperium Staple #1-12. πŸš€
Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society v1 #1-24. πŸš€
Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society v2 #25-26. πŸš€
Living Greyhawk Journal #0-24 βš”οΈ πŸ—Ώ
The MegaTraveller Journal #1-4. πŸš€
Oerth Journal #1-27 (partial). βš”οΈ πŸ—Ώ
Signal-GK #1-13. πŸš€
Signs & Portents #53-93 (Traveller only). πŸ“š πŸš€
Tales of the Reaching Moon #1-20. πŸŒ€
Threshold #1-33. COMPLETED! βš”οΈ 🌟
Tiffany Star #0-32. πŸš€
Third Imperium #1-11. πŸš€
Tradetalk #1-17. πŸŒ€
The Traveller Chronicle #1-13. πŸš€
The Travellers' Digest #1-21. πŸš€
The Unspoken Word #1-5. NEW! πŸŒ€
Working Passage #0-11. πŸš€
Wyrm's Footnotes #1-15. πŸ‰ πŸŒ€
Xboat #1-5 + SS1. πŸš€
Ye Booke of Tentacles #1-6. πŸ‰ πŸŒ€

USENET Indices

Adventurer's Club #8-12 (ICE issues). ( πŸ¦ΈπŸ½β€ 🎲 )
Adventures Unlimited #1-6. πŸ“š
The Book of Drastic Resolutions πŸŒ€
Cryptych #1-8. πŸ“š
Different Worlds #1-47. πŸ“š
Grey Worlds #12-18 (partial). 🎲
Griffin #1. πŸ“š
Hearts in Glorantha #1-7. πŸŒ€
Heroes #1-10. πŸ“š πŸŒ€
The Last Province #1-5. πŸ“š
New Lolon Gospel #1-2. πŸŒ€
Other Hands #1-3 (partial). 🎲
Pyramid v1 #1-15 (partial). πŸ“š
Redcap #1-7. πŸͺ„
RQ Adventures #1-6. πŸŒ€
Shadis #8-29 (partial). πŸ“š
Vortext #1-9. πŸ“š
White Wolf #2-50 (partial). πŸ“š

Key to Icons

πŸ“š General RPG Magazine
πŸ‰ General Chaosium Magazine ( πŸ•―οΈ πŸ‘‘ 🍷 )
πŸͺ General SFRPG Magazine
βš”οΈ Old-School Magazine
πŸͺ„ Ars Magica
πŸ•―οΈ Call of Cthulhu
πŸŒ€ Glorantha
πŸ—Ώ Greyhawk
πŸ¦ΈπŸ½β€β™€οΈ Hero System
🌟 Mystara
🍎 Old-School Essentials
πŸ‘‘ Pendragon
🎲 Rolemaster / MERP
🍷 Stormbringer
πŸš€ Traveller

If you have a preferred name that you now use other than what appears here, please mail me with what name appears here and what name you prefer, and I'll be happy to change it.