Prospectus Locus Logo

Prospectus Locus Covenant Environs

The map to the left details all the important locales within about 40 miles of Prospectus Locus. It is current as of Summer, 1215. More details of these locales appear below.

Aquil's Castle & Sunken Ship - Home to one of the four great fay lords of the Ebro River Delta. One of Aquil's three seats of power is here. Dux Aquil is the Lord of the Beaches and Shores, and also the speaker for Bright Winter. Contains an entrance to Death's house. The castle is in a regio just below a sunken ship which rises and sinks every year, and is also one of the covenant's vis sources. First Appearance: Prospectus Logs #4.

Aquil's Grotto - The place of one of Aquil's three seats of power, and also the locale where he meets his land-dwelling subjects once a year. First Appearance: Prospectus Logs #4.

Atherik's Lair - Home to a creature that may be a demon or a faerie. First Appearance: Prospectus Logs #5.

Barcelona - A large town up the coast, and also the location of the covenant of Barcelona.

Bercula & Prospectus Locus - Bercula is a small village. It is said to contain one of Aquil's three seats of power. The town is ruled by Prospectus Locus, the covenant at the center of the saga, and also the recognized capitol of a small barony which is gifted directly from the king. The barony covers most of the delta. Prospectus Locus has a small magical aura which was created long ago by Mercurian magi who perverted the natural faerie magic of the area. First Appearance: Prospectus Logs #1.

Castello's Monastery - The primary Christian bastion in this area, constructed in 1213 by the then newly arrived Abbot Castello. Recently a relic of Joseph of Arimathea has been discovered in this area, and as a result Papal Legate Paulus has come to the area with Templars and other troops. The Monastery is at the center of a small track of land which runs down to the delta. First Appearance: Prospectus Logs #1.

Grove of the Winds - A magical grove where air spirits are common. The very powerful Lady of the Winds even visits on occasion. First Appearance: Prospectus Logs #11.

Mantiun - A medium-sized town that acts as a port for sea-going ships coming up the Ebro. It is ruled by Baron Zelipe, and is the center of a small barony that he controls, spanning part of the lower Ebro river valley. First Appearance: Prospectus Logs #1.

The May Queen - Home to one of the four great fay lords of the Ebro River Delta. The May Queen is the ruler of Summer in Winter, and also the speaker for Dark Summer. The May Queen's home is within a regio which is only present during Fall and Winter. At other times it is in Arcadia. First Appearance: Prospectus Logs #2.

Moorish Hut - One of the covenant's vis sources, an apparent magnet for diabolists. Site where Flambeau once killed a Moorish wizard. First Appearance: Prospectus Logs #3.

Quarry - Once a roman ampitheatre, now the source of the stone which has constructed much of Bercula, Prospectus Locus, and Castello's Moanstery. First Appearance: Prospectus Logs #1.

Spirit of the Oak - A magical Oak Tree said to answer prophetic questions. The magi have doubts. First Appearance: Prospectus Logs #11.

Thom's Castle - Home to one of the four great fay lords of the Ebro River Delta. Thom is ruler of the Dead and Dying, and also the speaker for Dark Winter. Contains a entrance to the Land of the Dead and Unborn. The covenant collects vis from Thom's trees once a year. First Appearance: Prospectus Logs #7.

Valencia - A large town down the coast. It is Moorish controlled at the present time. A hub of trade, and one of the covenant's most lucrative trade routes.

The Vole Queen - Home to one of the four great fay lords of the Ebro River Delta. The Vole Queen is a ruler of fertility, and also the speaker for Bright Summer. All animals are her subjects, especially magical ones. First Appearance: Prospectus Logs #9.